The Book Rookie – Mistborn: The Final Empire

Today, we kick off a new series: The Book Rookie!

The Book Rookie is essentially a book club in which Cole (the eponymous rookie) reads flagship fantasy and sci-fi books, then discusses them with readers who have more experience with the genre.

This isn’t a book club for niche reads. We’re talking big series: The Gentlemen Bastards, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Broken Earth, The Stormlight Archive, The Expanse, The Malazan Book of the Fallen, and countless other top-tier fantasy and sci-fi reads.

We want to compare readings of the SFF world’s MVPs. A relative newcomer to adult fantasy will inevitably perceive a book differently than two readers who have travelled the many worlds available to SFF readers.

For our first episode, we dive deep into Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn, a perfect fantasy gateway book that has something for everyone. Andrew and Alex accompany Cole on his first Sanderson excursion (we’ve linked each reviewer so you can get a feel for individual tastes and, of course, read our posts!).

Without further ado, here’s our first episode of The Book Rookie!

11 thoughts on “The Book Rookie – Mistborn: The Final Empire

  1. Fantastic idea! I always love encouraging people who are “late” to a series, especially because I have so many holes in my own reading list (glances at the First Law series sitting unread in her pile). Look forward to checking this out!

    1. Thanks! It’s been a ton of fun, and Well of Ascension is coming soon! I have The First Law on my shelf as well, but I’ve heard it’s positively brutal (in a good way). Maybe we’ll pick that one up for a future episode.

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