QTL Bookshop

To our readers:

If you’ve been around for a while (QTL is five years old!), you may notice our new affiliate status with Bookshop.org. Going forward our links, including the cover images we post alongside our reviews, will direct you to Bookshop. We have done this not in an attempt to sell you something, but to support authors that we review with a platform that gives more to the people who write the books we all love.

However, please know that when you click through and purchase a book we link, we’ll receive a small percentage of the profits. And every penny we make will go straight back to the site.

The book world overflows with affiliate programs. You may be familiar with a certain Bezos-owned business whose program is used by countless bloggers. We’re steering clear of that capitalist machine in favor of Bookshop for a few reasons:

  1. Bookshop.org partners with independent bookstores and shares a percentage of online profits with them. We love independent bookstores.
  2. Other affiliate programs run on volume, selling books at a teeny-tiny markup. Bookshop sells at prices that mean more money for authors. We love authors.

If you see this image in a post, you can click it and it’ll take you right to a page where you can purchase the book. 


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