Cascade Failure – Wins Well, But Could Use A Little More Losing

Despite the well-worn phrase “never judge a book by its cover,” I think we all fall into that habit. Such was the case with L. M. Sagas’ debut, Cascade Failure. The title serenaded me like a siren, and the cover produced feelings of coziness while creating deep stress. This conflict depressed my initial zeal for…

Lost Ark Dreaming – An Enthralling Vision

Let's take another break from the deluge of generation ships and instead focus on another type of ship, the ark. Didn’t see that one coming did you? Or maybe you’re here to hold me to task on the books I promised to read in our Black Author Appreciation post from earlier this year. Either way,…

The Siege of Burning Grass – Smells Better Than Napalm, Though It’s Just As Bleak

Premee Mohamed’s Beneath The Rising trilogy cemented her in my mind as an author to watch. She had a unique perspective on the Cthulhu mythos, dismantling it and rebuilding it with a fervent glee that paid homage while making her own compelling story out of it. Her focus on character and the strife between her…

House Of Suns – It Rises, But Not In New Orleans

I’ve been thinking a lot about Alastair Reynolds lately. Specifically about his Revelation Space universe and all of its thematic elements. And while I eventually want to dig into his space of gothic and cosmic horror, I decided I would pick up another of his books that didn’t seem to carry as much controversy within…

Venomous Lumpsucker – A Sobering Draught of Dystopic Essence

Folks, serendipity has shined its beautiful face upon me. I rarely read several books so closely together that tackle themes that resonate strongly with me, while each successive work expands on them in different ways. If you don’t follow my work in particular, I urge you to take a look at The Dark Beyond The…

Activation Degradation – An Engaging Enhancement

Marina Lostetter has been on my watch list since Noumenon. She has genuinely interesting ideas within the science fiction space and approaches the darkness of the void with a strong sense of humanity. When Activation Degradation was first released, I wanted to step back into the emptiness with her, but I found myself turned off…